Why could stress kill you?
Stress triggers the release of cortisol, the "stress hormone," which prepares your body for a "fight or flight" response. In the short term, this can be helpful, but chronic stress leads to persistently high cortisol levels. This can disrupt various bodily functions, including blood pressure regulation. Prolonged high cortisol levels can damage blood vessels, making them less flexible and more prone to plaque buildup. This, in turn, can lead to high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
What are simple, proven non-medication ways to reduce stress?
There are many, i.e. guided breathing, meditation, gentle exercises etc. We cover them in detail on our YouTube channel. For example, one scientific research [1] has shown that meditations can help to lower systolic blood pressure by at least 4.7 mm Hg. However many people struggle with mastering slow breathing or meditation techniques. Like many other exercises they require daily practice and not everyone possesses sufficient focus to perform them.
How to improve the learning process and effectiveness of relaxation techniques?
Enter the Muse ® Brain Sensing Headband – a groundbreaking device that's revolutionizing how we approach meditation and stress reduction. It is affordable and can be used by anybody at home. Our experimental results below demonstrate that it produces an immediate positive impact on lowering blood pressure.
What is the Science Behind Muse ® Headband.
Muse ® isn't just another wellness gadget; it's a sophisticated brain training tool that bridges the gap between neuroscience and personal meditation practice. Using advanced EEG sensors, the headband does something remarkable: it provides real-time feedback about your brain's activity during meditation, transforming an often nebulous practice into a measurable, improvable skill.
How does it work?
Imagine having a personal meditation coach that can read your mind – literally. The Muse ® headband monitors your brain waves, heart rate, and breathing, creating a comprehensive picture of your mental state. When your mind wanders, the device provides gentle audio feedback, guiding you back to a state of calm. It's like having a mindfulness GPS that helps you navigate the landscape of your own consciousness.
Does Muse ® produce science proven positive results?
A 2021 study conducted by Western University (Canada) demonstrated the powerful impact of Muse ® on sleep quality and emotional well-being [2]. Users experienced a significant 20% improvement in sleep quality and consistently reported feeling calmer, more focused, and better equipped to manage their emotions. Other research has shown significant positive impact from using Muse ® for improving focus and clarity (72%).
What is the impact on managing hypertension?
Muse ® has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in stress reduction (77%), which has profound implications for managing hypertension. One of the most exciting applications of Muse ® lies in its potential to support healthy blood pressure levels through enhanced meditation practices. A landmark study mentioned above shows that regular meditation practice can lower systolic blood pressure by at least 4.7 mm Hg.
Given Muse's ® proven ability to enhance meditation effectiveness, users may experience even more significant improvements in blood pressure management when using the device consistently.
By providing real-time feedback (birds singing in your smartphone when the mind is relaxed) and guided meditation experiences, Muse helps users achieve deeper states of relaxation, effectively breaking the stress-hypertension cycle. This makes it an invaluable tool for those looking to manage their blood pressure through natural, non-pharmaceutical interventions.
The graph below from my Aktiia ® 24/7 cuffless blood pressure bracelet shows a spike in my blood pressure at 12pm after I performed an intensive HIIT workout. I had to induce this spike artificially through an exercise as my blood pressure usually stays around 120/80 level. I performed a 30 min meditation enhanced with Muse ® headband right after the workout. As you could see on the second graph during this 30 min meditation Muse ® has recorded my brain to be “Calm” 56% of the time (which is a good result for me) with lots of birds singing on my phone :)

This led to a significant drop in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure immediately after the meditation with Muse ®. There was a further drop in the next two hours but it was not as steep as during the time right after the meditation session. I think this example clearly shows that Muse ® headband does enhance meditation practice and helps to lower blood pressure.

More Than Just Meditation
While meditation is the primary focus, the Muse ® headband offers a holistic approach to mental well-being. Its smart sensors track multiple physiological indicators, helping users understand and manage their stress responses. The technology goes beyond simple tracking, offering actionable insights that can be integrated into daily life.
Smart EEG Sensors: Detect and interpret brain activity in real-time
Heart Rate Monitoring: Helps convert anxiety into manageable energy
Stress Management: Provides real-time feedback for optimal relaxation
Next steps
Muse ® offers a substantial discount to subscribers of BreathNow. If you believe that meditation helps to lower stress and high blood pressure you may consider trying it. Would love to hear your feedback.
Have a wonderful day!